How to Create a Sales Plan: Template + Examples

Do you have a sales plan? Entrepreneurs, sales executives, and sales managers all benefit from writing sales plans — whether for their business, department, or team. You must know where you’re going before you can hit your key targets, and from there, you must break down the strategies and tactics you’ll use to do it. […]

Introduction to Design Patterns

Introduction to Design Patterns In software engineering, design pattern is a practice to overcome the repeatable approach of coding in software design. It also helps in reducing the modification practice of the existing code or application architecture. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many […]

Single Responsibility Principle – SOLID

Single Responsibility Principle – SOLID Single Responsibility Principle: It is one of the SOLID design principle, which defines: Single reason to change: Each class or method should always have one reason to change. Single responsibility: Each class or method should always carry only a single responsibility. If we have a class which carries more than […]

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