Python Program to Print Words Having more Than 5 Characters

Q. Write a program to print words having more than five characters in a text file in python.

file: text.txt


# print words having len 10 or more
def read_data():
    f = open("text.txt", 'r')
    s =
    x = s.split()
    for i in x:
        if len(i) > 5:



# sample
# produce.
# purchase,
# because
# purchased
# something
# deliver.
# please
# samples
# you've
# converted?
# results.
# Thanks!


Explanation: Here we have defined a function read_data(). Inside read_data() function we have also created a file object “f” and opened our text file in read mode ie. “r” mode.

In next step, we have initialized all the values to variable “s“. And used read() function to read our file word by word. The read() function return the output in string format.

Note: Here inside function, we have used split()  function which returns the list of words available in our text file. Here “s” is our file object.

split() method will separate each word from space and store them in list “x“.
After that we used for loop to iterate over each word present inside our list “x” and checked for the length of each word using len() function. If word with more than 5 characters length found then it will be printed and rest will be skipped. Hence we got the final result.

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