Super Function in Python Programming | Python Programming

Super Function in Python Programming | Python Programming Super Function: Super Function in python programming is the built in function used to access the parent class member form the child class having same member name or method name. Let’s make it more clear by below example: #Super function example class A: def __init__(self): print(“Parent class Constructor”) […]

Encapsulation in Python with Example and Detailed Explanation

Encapsulation in Python with Example and Detailed Explanation Encapsulation in Python: Encapsulation in python is very small concept. By encapsulation we mean the gathering of code or data and methods operating on that data or code inside a single component and to stop the access of some of our class components. In easy way, encapsulation […]

Abstraction in Python with Example and Detailed Explanation

Abstraction in Python Programming – (OOPs) Abstraction in Python: Data abstraction in python and data encapsulation in python programming are related to each other. The main point that is necessary here to note is that data abstraction is only possible to achieve through encapsulation. Encapsulation means storing or placing data in a single place to […]

Polymorphism in Python Programming | Object Oriented Programming

Polymorphism in Python Programming Polymorphism in Python: Polymorphism means different or many forms. The word polymorphism is taken from the Greek word poly (many) morphisms (forms). There are also several types of polymorphism in python. We all know a child class can inherit the properties of parent class including class methods. In some cases, the […]

Methods in Object Oriented Programming in Python Programming

Methods in Object-Oriented Programming in Python Methods in Object-Oriented programming in Python: Before proceeding, I am assuming that you all guys are familiar with concepts of functions. If you are not familiar with functions then please follow the concept of function to understand functions. Functions and methods are very similar to each other. But also holds […]

Destructor in Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) in Python | Python Programming

Destructor in Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) in Python Programming Destructor: Same as constructors, destructor in python are also a special type of method. Destructor in python programming is used to free the extra allocated space by the memory. These spaces are in use during the execution of our programs. Sometimes, even after the execution of […]

Constructor in Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) in Python | Python Programming

Constructor in Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) in Python | Python Programming Constructor: Constructor are just a special type of method. It is called automatically during object creation of a class.Constructors are used generally to initializing the value. The constructor is called automatically, when an object of class is created. Constructor does the work to initialize […]

Classes and Object in Python Programming

Classes and Object in OOP in Python Programming Classes and Object in Python: Both classes and object are the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming. 1). Class: A class is nothing but just a group of attributes and methods. Classes are user-defined. We can use all the concepts of procedural programming in class. You will also get […]

Lambda Function in Python Programming

Lambda Function in Python Programming Lambda Function in Python: Lambda function is also known as an anonymous function. Anonymous function means, function without a name. We used the “def” keyword to define a function but the “lambda” keyword is used to define the lambda function. Syntax of Lambda Function: lambda arguments : expression Important note: […]

Global Keyword in Python Programming

Global Keyword in Python Programming Global Keyword in Python: Global keyword is the keyword used to change the current scope of variable ie. to convert the scope of a local variable to the global variable. We already know that global variable is accessible everywhere inside the program. But the local variable is only accessible inside […]

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