Local and Global Variable in Python

Local and Global Variable in Python Programming Local and Global variables: We have already discussed variables in our previous topics. Local and Global variables play a vital role while working with functions. Many times, if you are not aware of local and global variables term, then there will be a chance that once you will […]

args and kwargs in Python Programming

args and kwargs in Python Programming | Python Programming args and kwargs in Python: As we have already discussed functions. There are two types of functions: functions without parameters and functions with parameters. Here the concept of args and kwargs only related to parameterized functions. So, we will take parameterized function to understand the concept […]

Recursion in Python Programming

Recursion or Recursive Functions in Python Programming Recursion in Python: Recursion or Recursive function both are the same terms. Recursive functions are those functions which call itself again and again until it reached to its base limit. In the case of a recursive function, the maximum loop executes 1000 times. After that, it terminates automatically. In […]

Types of Functions in Python Programming

Types of Functions in Python Programming Types of Functions in Python: As we have discussed Functions in detail with examples in our previous article. Now we will discuss Types of Functions in Python. There are two types of Function in Python Programming: Types of functions Types of Functions in Python: There are two types of functions […]

Pass Statement in Python Programming

Pass Statement in Python Programming What is Pass Statement in Python? Pass Statement in Python: Pass statement in Python is used as a null or blank statement. It is used inside the functions or classes(we will discuss classes in OOPs ) to leave that statement block empty. This is because, if we leave the statement […]

Continue Statement in Python Programming

Continue Statement in Python Programming What is the use of Continue Statement in Python? In python, the continue keyword can alter the normal flow of a loop. Loop iterate over each element of a sequence. Continue Statement in Python: It is used to force the loop to execute. As before we have discussed the break […]

Break Statement in Python Programming

Break Statement in Python Programming | Python Programming Break Statement in Python: As we have discussed before for-loop and while-loop, we learnt that when we have to execute iteration over a sequence repeatedly as long as the condition remains True. We mainly use these loops to find an element or result in our sequence. But […]

While Loop in Python Programming with Examples

While Loop in Python Programming | Python Programming While Loop in Python: While Loop is used to execute a block of statements again and again or we can say that repeatedly until our given condition is True. Previously we learnt about for loop, both for loop and while loop used for the same purpose. While loop […]

Python for loop with detailed examples

For Loop in Python Programming with Examples Python For Loop: For loop in python is mainly used for definite iteration over specific elements or statements again and again while the condition is True. Definite means limited intervals. In C/C++ or other old programming languages, the syntax followed for for-loop is as follows: for (i=0; i<n; […]

Nested-if statement in Python Programming

Nested-if statement in Python Programming Nested-if Statement in Python: Nested-if statement is also the most important and easiest concept of control flow statements. This statement is very helpful, while or when we need to make a decision (when we have more than one condition to check) based on our problem. A nested if is a […]

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